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Adaline's characters have issues. So we've signed them up for weekly meetings with Adaline

to sort out their problems. But what happens when Adaline's worlds collide? What if they start to insert

themselves into the relationships of others and take sides? Lines have been drawn... Books are at stake...

Bringing these characters together may not have been a good idea after all.  Get your popcorn ready!

Therapy Sessions

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Do feelings really matter?

On second thought, forgot I asked.

Now that everyone else has had a turn,

is it my turn to hold your stick now?

Fictional bad decisions. Who gave you all

alcohol, and why are you naked?

Why have enemies when you

have friends like these?

A line, a bet, and still missing that damn

stick. Who invited Lucifer?

Who says size doesn't matter? Will you

please put that ruler down, please?

When the author is away... and your PA

is in charge. Is that a stick in your hand?

When the author finally shows her face and

she's not alone. Who is the new girl?

What do you do when the therapist

of fictional characters now needs therapy?

When you hide away in your writing cave and leave your PA in charge of your characters. How bad could it be?

Character Group Texts

An inside look into the group chats of Adaline's characters. Every wonder what they are up to when they aren't being featured in a book? Have a book hangover waiting for the next installment and you want to see your favorite characters all together again? Well I've got the inside scoop and the screenshots to prove it!! Remember, you asked for it.

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Let the bodies hit the fridge!

No, wait, that's not right.

Bodyguards, boyfriends,

and big d*ck energy.

How many protectors does 1 girl need?

Have you met Natia? Point taken.

Autocorrect is the ultimate buzz kill.

Fresh panties are NOT the same

as Freak panties. 

Bonus Scenes

Explore your favorite characters and their fictional worlds even

further by diving into scenes not included in the main books. 

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Grab your popcorn and join Natia and the gang for movie night.

When you think it's a good idea to invite

your readers to a speed dating event hosted by your fictional characters.

A cat is a cat is a cat,  but not your ordinary stray cat, and she apparently has a

thing for your man.

Hands on the glass and let me see

that gorgeous a$$. F*ck!ng animal.

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and the best readers on Facebook!!

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