Session 7
While the author is away...
Natia - Why do you have talking stick?
Archan - Adaline asked me to bring it back.
Zac - Because it worked so well last time.🙄
Natia - Why are you wearing a bow tie?
Duncan - On the group chat it said to wear a bow.
Door opens and a women waltzes in.
Liberty - The message said wear only a bow. I left the color choice to you (sighs) Simple instructions gang.
Door opens - Zee struts in.
Natia - OMG my eyes I can’t unsee it.
Zee - What? The message said wear only a bow.
Door opens - Jed strides in.
Zee - He got the memo!
Archan - You’re idiots.
Liberty - Naked idiots, they are forgiven, take a seat boys. We are just waiting for the rest of the Therapy gang.
Natia - They can’t sit on these seats like that! Their bits will touch them.
Archan - I love that you are a freak with me and a prude to the world.
Door opens - Cora and Hudson walk in.
Cora - Sorry we are late, Hudson had a furry moment.
Hudson - He smelled like catnip. Not my fault.
Cora - Why are you guys naked?🤔
Jed - We’re not. We are wearing bows.
Cora - Alrighty then.
Hudson - Who the hell are you?
Liberty - I'm the PA.
Natia - 🤯
Cora - Oh shit, what did you guys do? Adaline has brought in the big guns.
Liberty - What do you think they did?
Jed - Say nothing, she knows nothing, don’t incriminate yourself.
Zee -😬
Jed - No, Zee, there’s no evidence.
Liberty - Evidence of what.🤔
Zee - He deserved it.
Jed - Dude!
Zee - I can’t help it. She’s got that stare…
Hudson - Wait, where’s Adaline?
Liberty - In her writing cave.
Hudson - Oh that old chestnut.🙄
Liberty - Do you want another book?
Hudson -🥶
Archan - Why do I have this stick?
Liberty - Oooo that’s for me. Can you make it appear in my hand?
Stick appears in liberty’s hand.
Liberty -🥰
Natia - What are you going to do with the stick.
Liberty tucks it away in her handbag.
Liberty - Me? Nothing! 😳
Natia - Is this a sanctioned therapy session?
Cora - Yeah, does Adaline know you’ve invaded her head?
Liberty - Of course! But times up, thanks for the stick!
Liberty runs out of room.
Duncan - I’m not convinced that stick is going to be used for therapeutic purposes.